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Synthetic Flight Instructor (SFI) Flight Operations Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Alliances & Partnerships Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Assistant Manager, Digital Marketing Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Crew Service Standards Service Delivery Hong Kong SAR
Manager, Corporate Sales Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Officer, Management Accounting Finance Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, In Flight Product & Catering Operations Service Delivery Hong Kong SAR
Duty Manager, Airport Services (HKG) Ground Operations Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Cost Accounting Finance Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Marketing & Partnerships Commercial Hong Kong SAR
General Manager, Management Supervision Finance Hong Kong SAR
Manager, Management Supervision Finance Hong Kong SAR
Manager, Cargo Sales Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Safety and Emergency Procedures Trainee Flight Operations Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Sales & Marketing (Group) Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Officer, Airline Planning Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Officer, E-Commerce Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Officer, Ancillary Revenue Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Supervisor, Corporate Development Commercial Hong Kong SAR
Officer / Supervisor, Pricing & Tariff Commercial Hong Kong SAR

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